Because Data and Information Aren't the Same Thing

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Start With the Soil

Today’s corn and soybean plants are more productive than they’ve ever been. As a result, they demand and remove more nutrients from the soil.

That’s why we start with the soil, measuring nutrient levels by using small manageable grids (less than 2.5 acres). This helps even out soil-type variability.

It's in the Plant

We have a set of strict protocols for each soil sample to make sure we start with the best data. We bar-code every sample to detail which field it comes from, and the time and location it was taken.


Grow with Knowledge

Over the years, we build data that allows us to track how our actions are working. For example, we might look to fix soil pH variability by evening it out over time.

With this base level of data, we can then overlay goals, such as yield expectations and crop removal, to determine the right amount of fertilizer and apply it at the right time.

Get Predictive

As we grow our knowledge, we begin to understand how the field and crops react to our inputs. We begin to know more about sulfur to nitrogen ratios, nutrient tie ups in the soil, soil conservation measures and so on.

This all drives us to actions that achieve the maximum economic yield for a field.


Reach Your Potential

As we fine tune our plans, we look at the yield potential of an acre and sometimes adding a minor input may have a good economic yield.

We also bring in traditional agronomic measures, making sure to minimize yield loss to weeds and pests through crop protection products, custom seed treatment and trait selection. It’s all done to maximize yield potential from the seed.

Research Shows TRAX Works

Premier Ag has mapped hundreds of thousands of acres over the years, which allows us to measure our processes and determine the effectiveness of our efforts. We recently conducted a three-year study, analyzing data points from 100,000 acres of corn and soybeans.

We compared county average yields with data from combine yield monitors on intensively managed fields. Our analysis showed that our management practices did pay off in higher yields.

Talk to an account manager at Premier Ag for more information on this study and how it applies to your operation.

TRAX is how we farm.
SUSTAIN is how we show we farm.

Landowners today are often further removed from the farm, and they have different expectations for how land should be managed. This can lead to uncomfortable discussions about land stewardship between the landowner and grower.

SUSTAIN provides a way for a grower to quickly and transparently show conservation efforts on the farm to the landowner and anyone else who’s interested.

TRAX Products and Services

  • Soil Sampling (2.5 grid basis)

  • Nutrient Analysis and Mapping

  • Variable Rate Fertilizer

  • Variable Rate Nitrogen & Lime

  • Variable Rate Seed Prescriptions

  • Precision Planting Equipment and Service

  • Irrigation Management

  • Crop Scouting

  • Aerial and Satellite Imagery

  • Yield Mapping

  • Tissue Sampling and Analysis

  • Climate FieldView Management

  • Sustainability

    Agronomy Locations

    Our team of TRAX crop specialists utilize a data-driven approach to make personalized recommendations for your operation. We help you choose inputs that best suit your management approach to maintain and improve production and investment.

    Our goal is to help you better understand what, how much and when to apply inputs, and also the benefits of a more precisely managed operation. Ultimately, we look to gain results for your farm that go above and beyond expectations.